Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 6 post-op

Guys! Today has been a successful one (: My swelling has gone down, I slept great and I found wonderful things to eat! To top it all off I got my x-rays done, and I now have pictures of my new bite!

Take a look:

There she be! The thousand dollar smile. Sheesh!

You can see the 3 places where they screwed in nails to hold my jaw in place. Also, if you look at my right jaw (your left) there's a slight rigid bump before it goes into my chin. This is a good sign. NOW looking at the left side (your right) , you don't see any thing bumpy at all. The reason why is when they went to fracture my bone, it split lots lower to my chin than they wanted.

The good news is my body is handling it well. I already have sensation coming back even more today, a little less on my right side but its there! This is HUGE progress from what my Dr. said. :D

Here's another xray we took today:

Side profile! The best part about this xray is you can see how much swelling I have under my chin..bahahaha! Classic.

When I was at the office they also took out the stitches on the side of my face, and added some more rubber-bands. I'm scheduled to go back next Monday.

Last but not least, I wanted to share pictures of happy day 6. Here are those:

Not too bad, eh? (; Haha getting there!

So I've decided that since I'm pretty much to the week mark of surgery, I will start posting only on days with appointments, or if something crazy happens. I don't want to bore you guys, so I'll continue to post, but it will probably be only once a week. That way when you read you'll get detailed information rather than random stuff that isn't of much importance.

I'll post next Monday! Mayyyybe sooner if needed (:


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